Here are some great links to Oliver sites.
If you would like your homepage listed, please contact the webmaster.
agfarmtoys.com — This is the online store of Dean & Sandy's Farm Toys, a large dealer of toy tractors and collectibles.
agpartsfirst.com — Ag Parts First. Parts for Olivers, White, and many other brands of tractors.
Antique Power magazine — The world's largest antique tractor magazine, covering all makes and models up to the 1970s .
antiquetractorsforum.com — A forum for lovers of all brands of tractors and equipment, plus much more.
antiquetractorsrus.com — Kuhn's Equipment Repair and Tractor Parts.
antiquetractorsupply.net — Oliver and other brands of merchandise.
thebadgefactory.com — Custom Engraved Magnetic Tractor Display Signs and Name Badges (We do them all...including Hart-Parr, Cletrac and Oliver)
The California Oliver Cletrac Collectors Chapter of the HPOCA
centralfuel.com — Central Fuel Injection Service Company. Diesel injection repairs.
The Central States Hart-Parr Oliver Collectors Chapter of the HPOCA
Classic Tractor Fever — CTF-TV is a regular, weekly fixture on the RFD-TV network. Now you can stream our entire library on any screen, anywhere, anytime!
cletrac.org — Just what the name says...All about Cletrac
Cockshutt.com — The official site of the International Cockshutt Collectors
Copshaholm — The Oliver Mansion in South Bend, IN. Home of J.D. Oliver.
DavenportTractor.com — We sell reproduction tractor parts for antique John Deere parts, in addition to parts we manufacture parts catalogs, operators manuals, and service manuals for many brands of tractors and implements,
including Oliver
Farmersvilleequipment.com — The website of Farmersville Equipment. A great place to look for new and used Oliver parts.
Fastrac — Antique Tractor Website and Antique Tractor Information & Resource Site.
Floydcountymuseum.org — Get your Oliver manuals here, at the website of the Floyd County Museum.
hartparrtractors.tripod.com — Dave Preuh's website featuring Hart-Parr tractors.
hcea.net — The HCEA is headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio (419.352.5616) and has a large library and archive with an extensive collection of sales literature and manuals for Cletrac and Oliver crawler tractors. Most of its annual shows, including the 2006 show, had several Oliver and Cletrac machines on display.
importtractorparts.net — Parts for Fiat built Olivers, as well as other imported tractors.
Iron Bull Mfg. — A great source for tractor rops and canopies
kettleriverironworks.com — Kettle River Iron Works website. Beautiful signs featuring Oliver and your other favorite brands of farm equipment.
Korves Oliver — A great place to find Oliver reproduction parts.
Maibach Tractor—Maibach Tractor is committed to serving farmers carrying the industry’s most durable and reliable brands
MSFparts.com — Maple Springs Farm LLC; a great source for tractor parts.
Maringauction.com—Maring Auction Company LLC
Maumeevalley.org — Maumee Valley Antique Steam & Gas Association
m.e. Miller Tire — Largest selection of hard to find tires and wheels
Larry Morphew's homepage — Full of Oliver information, pictures and other great Oliver links.
Oldewash.com — See rare pictures of the Hart-Parr washing machines
Olivercletrac.com — The homepage of Zimmerman Oliver Cletrac
Oliverdecals.com — Greg and Lisa Davis' website, a great source for Oliver decals.
The Oliver Gang — A chapter of the HPOCA
OliverHardware.com — Classic Tractor Hardware
Oliverhydraulicpump.com — Hydraulic pump parts and tips for the Fleetline, Super and three digit Olivers.
The Oliver Inn — A house built by James Oliver for his daughter in South Bend, Indiana, which has now been converted to a Bed & Breakfast. A great place to stay!!
Oliver Outboard Museum — A great place to research Oliver Outboard Motors
Olivertractor.com — This site belongs to Larry and Sandy Harsin of Estherville, IA. If you have an Oliver question, just go to this site and ask the "Oliver Mechanic". The site is full of Oliver information and even has tractors "For Sale".
Olsons Gaskets — We not only sell gaskets, but we are capable of making gaskets not available through your local auto parts store or dealer
Restoration Supply Tractor Parts — Parts for vintage Allis-Chalmers, Case, Ferguson, Ford, Farmall, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Massey Harris, and Oliver farm tractors
Rick's Ag Parts — Old Oliver dealership pictures and misc Fiat-Oliver-White parts
s-c-r-a-p-inc.org — Sandusky County Restorers of Antique Power club website.
steinertractor.com — Steiner Tractor Parts, Inc., new parts for old tractors
tractorhats.com — Wally's Tractor Hats And Shirts, Jackets, Baby Items, Flags, etc. Specializing In Oliver Items
tractorjoe.com — HPOCA members receive a $15 credit to Tractor Joe using the code hartparroliver15 when ordering.
wheatco.org — The Wheat Heritage Engine and Threshing (WHEAT) Company is a non-profit group dedicated to preserving an interest in yesteryear's agriculture and rural lifestyle.